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Horse Saddles For Sale

Whatever you prefer be it Western, English or even Australian Horse saddles we have a varied array of saddles from all Crosse the world just produced for you. Our products are well specialised to help keep you and your horse comfortable and cosy for a number of miles over the trails. A good saddle ought to be able to give the rider and user the required comfort and support and all the security and control required to enjoy a ride on the horse. The saddle will allow the rider to maintain the right balance when sited over the horse, by being able to sit on it at the point of balance and thus ride it easily. The initial saddles in olden days were simply animal skins or drapes thrown over the horses back and these gave a very limited extent of security and support for the riders. However in modern times there has been availed a wide array of options for the saddles and these tend to be quite difficult to choose from. Our shops in particular sell all things saddles and we have the greatest variety if saddles that will fit all your needs. Whether it is for a dilly ride or a sporting event, we certainly have the best saddles to support you and give you the necessary restraint over the horse. When one goes out to pick the perfect saddle, there are a varied number of things to condor. The quality of the material, the construction used and the design helps man users narrow down their searches. Our stall provide all of these in top-notch conditions and avail them to all of our customers. The models we give are well affordable and should be easy and convenient for daily use or for whatever other sport the customer plays. Depending on the amount of time to be used uprising on the horse, there is a great need to consider the material and finish of the saddle. There are some minor variances in the fit that would be of little to no effect in simple hour of arena riding. However, the same differences would bear great effect and cause much soreness for the rider and their horses even after a day on the trail. We have however been able to streamline the process for each customer and provide a wide array of selection that would fit his or her needs. The customers shopping with us do not have to be well versed in the workings of saddles and have all the intricacies of shopping for one well figured out. The customer simply has to come and describe the typical usage of their horses and our attendants will get them the most fitting saddle for their own use.

Jump Saddles: The saddle is designed to position the rider at a more forward point on the horse’s back. It is generally made from spring tree and contains a deeper seat. This allows the rider to take up a jumping position and thus be more secure when going over fences. Some may have some extra elements to allow more ease in jumping.

Dressage Saddles: These are made to maintain the rider in more upright position, which is better for dressage. The legs are positioned close to the horse’s side so that the rider can be able to provide more subtle aids and direction. '

Stock Saddles: This Australian saddle is built for activities that will need long hours in the saddle. They provide much support and security thus reducing the risk of a fall. They generally have no horns but do have a flank girth facility. It is the only stock saddle that has a tree and provides lateral flex to work with the horse muscles as it moves.

Western Saddles: These are designed for working on the horse long hours of the day. They were initially targeted at cowboys who worked all day in riches and fields driving and working the cattle’s. They tend to be heavier than the English saddles. They also cover larger area and thus ease the pressure pouts on the horse back making them more comfortable than most. The horn is one of the most outstanding features of the eastern saddles. For beginners it offers extra support, but it is originally meant foot eh cowboys to help with the cattle. They are built using a blend of rallied, rawhide or fibreglass. Much of all this is covered with leather, which makes it heavy. Modern technology has introduced lighter options for the same saddles.

Bareback Saddles: These have extra padding and grip. Our saddles are well designed anatomically to mimic the horse’s top line and are flexible in all dimensions. They are majorly preferred by users who want to ride bareback but without having to worry about the sores. The pads thus avoid any injury or sores and ensure the rider maintains their clothes clean.

Endurance Saddles: These are able to go for over 100 miles in a single day and are majorly employed in irregular and rugged terrains. There is a need for a strong yet comfortable lightweight saddle to be able to ride in such conditions. These are also quite popular for general trail riding. They tend to have no horns and have extra padding for comfort.

Racing Saddles: These are majorly made out of synthetic material that is light and flexible. These have flat seats that help the rider crouch over the horse thus reducing the wind resistance as the horse move at maximum speed. They are used majorly by jockeys who engage in professional races and can thus be used for daily exercises or for the major tournaments and races.

Treeless Saddles:These saddles have no trees. The rest of the leather material is built upon this solid, inelastic edifice. The tree is made such that it is similar to the flow of the horse back and the seat of the rider. Treeless saddles are great for fitting a horse that cannot fit a more traditional saddle. They are also quite comfortable for the rider and can be lighter than most. However, they are not as secure as other common saddles and this poses a danger.

Most of our saddles comes in 15 inch 16 inch and 17 inch. Browse and choose between deep seat, long girthing, fully mounted, wide or narrow gullet, close contact with the horse, changeable gullet etc. All of our saddles are sent free shipping australia post nationwide. 14 days free trials with full money back guarantee. Matching saddle blankets can be found here.