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The John Parker International Horse Transport


Europe and worldwide. John Parker International is based in Little Owl Barn, Hythe and has its own DEFRA approved stables and modern fleet of highly specialised horseboxes.

When it comes to their fleet, John Parker International has a fleet of horseboxes that was driven by very capable men and women who really take good care and pride in the horses they carry or handle. Their very own second generation of the Family (before John and Jackie) is the one who's managing it on the road, his name is Fred.

Parkers' fleet of horseboxes is driven by very capable men and women who take care and pride in the horses they carry. The second generation of the Parker family, Fred is now on the road, continuing the tradition established by John and Jackie.
The John Parker International really pride themselves in giving customer support as their caring and attitude is highly professional. This attitude coupled with their experiences and friendly nature in which their customer loves it and keep on returning from time and time again.

Way back in 1977. John Parker started as a horse dealer and trainer, He sold his first horsebox to a customer in Malta. Then, from some one from France, who heard about this, immediately contacted John and asked if he could drop the horse off on the way.
John Parker International also has good access to their motorway as they are ten minutes outside of Dover so the horses can have a good rest and stretch their legs before continuing their trip.

And, John agreed and his wife set-off behind the wheel of the old Bedford. This was the start of the humble beginning of John Parker International Horse Transport.

John Parker International Horse Transport originally based in Liphook, Hampshire and the Parkers outgrew their home in time. Way back in 1995, they have moved to Pedinge, improving their transport links to and from Europe.

Their yard is open to both customers of John Parker International and some other transporters who wish to use the facilities. The good thing about them is John Parker International can also transport other animals aside from horses.

Also, John Parker International pride themselves not just for their services but they are proud to announce that they can now transport your horses with Eurotunnel. They are one of the lucky three horse transport company in the United Kingdom that was given a licensed to carry horses in the Channel Tunnel - allowing them to transport horses without delay or distress during times of rough seas.

Just so you know, the Eurotunnel offers a fast thirty-five minute crossing time and three crossings per hour.

Let John Parker International so they can arrange the trailer for you to cross it via Eurotunnel.

You may also visit their website for further more information about John Parker International. You may check it here: Or if you have some enquiries or want to get a quote don't hesitate to contact them on + 44(0)1303 266621 or email them by filling out our contact form.