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5 Facts You Didn't Know About The Waler Horse

 The Waler Horse is a horse breed that originates in Australia, and was recognised as a breed around the 1850s. They tend to be between 15-16hands and are often referred to as 'walers'. They are believed to have a bit of thoroughbred, timor pony, arab and Cape horse in them. Hence the breed is very diversified and used in a lot of different disciplines. Here are 5 Facts that the waler horse is famous for:

1) Only One Waler Horse Returned From The War
For the first world war, around 140,000 waler horses were sent to be used in the war overseas, as they are a tough hardy breed. However only one waler horse returned back to Australia after the war. That horse was called 'Sandy' and was returned to Australia as he served as the horse for Major General Sir William Bridges. Sandy was eventually put down in Australia due to age and health issues.
Photo: The Waler Horse

2) Breeding associations not established until 1986
The Waler Horse association was not established until 1986, following concerns from the population that the breed was not being preserved. There are a number of breeders around Australia today and a recognised studbook to help and preserve the origins of the breed.

3) The Story Behind Their Name: Waler Horse
They were originally called New Waler Horses as they originates from New South Wales. However they are today only recognised and referred to as Waler Horses.

4) The link between Walers & Brumbys
Waler horses are known for living in the wild in australia, the same as brumbies. In theory they are the same breed - however a waler horse has got old bloodlines and were specifically bred for the military. Only a small percentage of the brumby population can be refered to as waler horses as it can't have any new breeding developed in them.

5) 10,000 Waler Horses Culled in 2013
There was al lot of controvery when around 10,000 waler horses were called in the Northern Territory in May 2013. (new kings canyon). People were arguing that shooting the horses won't solve any issues with their rising numbers, and it is expensive for tax payers to pay $200 per horses when 10,000 horses were to be culled ($2million). The motives of the cullen was to reduce numbers and to preserve the breed.

Photo: Pinterest